

【10月29日】【国际经济与贸易学院双周学术论坛讲座】Holding up Half the Sky? Affirmative Action, Labor MarketRestructuring and Gender Inequality in Urban China, 1988-2007


报告题目: Holding up Half the Sky? Affirmative Action, Labor MarketRestructuring and Gender Inequality in Urban China, 1988-2007

主 讲 人:左雪静(复旦大学经济学院助理教授)

讲座时间:2018年10月29日(周一)下午3:30 -5:00



左雪静,复旦大学经济学院公共经济系助理教授。美国休斯顿大学经济学博士(2018),中山大学经济学硕士(2009)。主要研究领域为劳动经济学,实验经济学和中国经济。博士期间荣获休斯顿大学经济学院优秀博士生奖励和称号(2015-2016)、蒋经国国际学术交流基金会博士论文奖 (2016-2017)、乔治梅森大学人文研究博士论文奖 (2017-2018)。论文多次入选NBER、SOLE、 NEDUC、IZA等顶级经济学年会并做报告。

摘要:In contrast to most of the existing literature that considers the existence of gender gapsas given ex ante, prior to the State-owned enterprise (SOE) reform in urban China, genderequality in labor market outcomes was enforced through the central planning labor arrangement.Between 1996 and 2001, the national SOE reform resulted in a massive layoff of over 35 millionworkers. The layoff intensity varies across regions, which is correlated with pre-reform regionalindustry composition. This paper examines the effect of the SOE reform on gender inequality inlabor market outcomes. I compare individuals who resided in the relatively high layoff intensityareas to individuals in the low layoff intensity areas, instrumenting the intensity measure withthe Bartikshift-share intensity index, before and after the reform. I find that the SOE reformnegatively affected women's labor market outcomes substantially more than men's outcomes. Asimple back of the envelope calculation suggests that over 50% of increased gender gaps can beexplained by the SOE reform. To explore whether the response to the SOE reform is relatedwith traditional gender norms, I calculate male-to-female sex ratio using under age 10 cohortsand I find that the widening gender employment gap is entirely driven by the areas with highsex ratio. These results are consistent with the persistence of traditional gender norms.




