讲座题目:TheCAGE around Cyberspace? How Demand Side Bricolage strategies accelerate the internationalizationspeed of Digital Start-ups
主 讲 人:李卅立(南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院)
讲座时间:2018年5月23日(周三)下午15: 00-16:30
ABSTRACT: How digital start-ups internationalize their digital innovations in cyberspace, and what strategies can facilitate their international expansion? By examining factors affecting the internationalization speed of 127 apps at Apple’s app store, we find that despite apps are available to international users via global platforms, their international penetration is still subject to cultural, administrative, geographic and economic (CAGE) distances. However, our results suggest that app developers may overcome CAGE distances by involving users as a demand side bricolage. We contribute to an improved understanding of the internationalization process of digital start-ups and also extend demand side strategies in international entrepreneurship context.
李卅立教授是美国犹他州大学国际战略管理学博士,南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院国际商务系任副教授。此前曾在威斯康星州立大学密尔沃基校区卢巴商学院任教并评为终身教授、获美国犹他大学管理学院核心课程的杰出教学奖,以及卢巴商学院MBA明星教授奖。李教授的研究主要集中在国际市场进入、科技管理和需求基础论,他的论文获得美国管理学年会的年度最佳论文。近年来,他的论文在Academy of Management Review、Strategic Management Journal,Journal of International Business Studies,Journal of Management等国际顶级学术期刊上发表。此外,他还是Journal of International Business Studies与Strategic Management Journal的审稿人。他也是Academy of Management,Academy of International Business,International Association for Chinese Management Research与Strategic Management Society的会员。