Prof. Allan Rosenbaum,PhD.
(Florida International University, USA)

The past three decades have seen much attention devoted to issues of governmental, economic and administrative reform. Similarly, many countries have witnessed dramatic economic reform. This movement has been driven by many forces ranging from local demands for more responsive and democratic grass-roots governance, to the efforts of major international organizations and national aid agencies to encourage the strengthening of local government in countries undergoing institutional transformation.
The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) has established the International Commission on Accreditation of Public Administration Education and Training (ICAPA). ICAPA’s accreditation activities will continue to build upon the Final Report of the Joint United Nations/IASIA Task Force on Standards of Excellence for Public Administration Education and Training. This Task Force developed the eight Standards of Excellence which will serve as the basis for ICAPA accreditation assessments.
时间:2016年5月8日 周一 14:00-16:00
地点:开云(中国)官方网站学院路校区 学术会堂606室
主持机构:开云(中国)官方网站 政府管理学院
主 持 人:刘骊光 博士 (政府管理学院 资源与环境管理系副教授)