

【3月29日】【会计学院学术论坛】Trust, Family Firms, and Mergers and Acquisition Quality


讲座人:Suresh Radhakrishnan教授

讲座主题:Trust, Family Firms, and Mergers and Acquisition Quality

摘要:We examine the role of trust on M&A quality across family and non-family firms in 15 EU countries. We use Guiso et al.’s (2009) trust measure, ownership for family firms and M&A announcement returns and goodwill impairment for M&A quality. We find that trust and family firms are positively associated with M&A quality, when they are considered separately. When we consider family firm, trust and their interaction it is only the interaction that is positively associated with M&A quality with M&A quality. This suggests that family firms’ M&As with targets in high-trust countries are of better quality, potentially because family firms commit to their long-term investment outlook more effectively in high-trust countries and thus, mitigate the uncertainty in the integration process. We perform additional tests to rule out alternative explanations and provide direct cross-sectional evidence.



讲座人简介:Suresh Radhakrishnan教授现任职于University of Texas at Dallas,任Constantine Konstans Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Corporate Governance,以及Research Director Institute of Excellence in Corporate Governance。Radhakrishnan教授的研究兴趣主要为Financial Accounting与Corporate Governance。他在国际知名的财务学和管理学期刊发表了50余篇论文,包括The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science等。



