题目:"The Insanity Defense and the Case of John Hinckley"
主讲人:Matt Zaitchik
地点:沙河校区 主教105
Professor Matt Zaitchik is currently teaching at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan as a Visiting Fulbright Scholar. He is a clinical and forensic psychologist. He is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Graduate Programs in Psychology at Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI, USA. Prior to that, He was a faculty member in the Psychiatry and Law program and Co-Director of Forensic Services at University of Massachusetts Medical School. His current clinical work is the assessment of sexually dangerous men. This work includes providing expert testimony in trials regarding the Massachusetts Sexually Dangerous Person statute. He has also conducted hundreds of other criminal forensic assessments, including competency to stand trial, insanity, and aid to sentencing.
1981年3月30日,John Hinckley 对里根总统实施刺杀活动,子弹仅离里根总统的心脏3英寸,他在审讯中表示刺杀总统只是为了引起好莱坞女星朱迪•福斯特的注意,John Hinckley在法庭上因被认定为精神病而免于处罚。但是当年美国新闻广播公司做的一项民调显示83%的受访者认为司法不公,应该判John Hinckley为有罪。本次讲座围绕精神病辩护和John Hinckley的案例展开讨论。教授将带领同学们了解该案例的知识以及主要的争论观点,这是同学们少有机会接触到的话题,对同学们的见识及思维的拓展都有很大的益处,引导同学们在新的领域里去探索新的知识。