

Occupational Human Capital and Wages: The Role of Skills Transferability across Occupations


主 题:Occupational Human Capital and Wages: The Role of Skills Transferability across Occupations

主讲人:Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon,中国人民大学劳动人事学院助理教授。2004年在泰国Chulalongkorn University获得学士学位,2011年在School of Human Resources & Labor Relations , Michigan State University获得博士学位。研究成果曾在Michigan State University等发表演讲。

摘 要:This paper examines the effect of accumulated human capital, and particularly occupational human capital, on the workers’ wages. Unlike previous studies that apply occupational tenure as a proxy for occupational human capital, this paper applies the concept of Shaw’s (1984) occupational human capital to capture the transferability of occupational skills and estimates a new measure of occupational human capital, so-called occupational investment. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) from 1979 to 2000, the key findings of this paper suggest that occupational skills from the previous jobs can also affect the workers’ wages at the current job and that occupational investment is one of the important sources of wages supporting the Shaw’s original work on wage determination. Specifically, 5 years of (3- digit) occupational investment relative to current occupational tenure could lead to a wage increase of 7 to 16 percent. I also find that the general labor market experience accounts for a large share of workers’ wages.

时 间:2013年4月2日星期二16:00-17:30

地 点:学术会堂608




