主 题:If You are Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands: How Do We Really Feel about Child Caregiving?
主讲人:Rachel Connelly,鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)经济系主任,Bion R. Cram教授,IZA研究员,“Feminist Economics”主编。其研究方向包括劳动经济学和人口经济学,其成果发表在Econometrica,Journal of Labor Economics和Review of Economics and Statistics等学术刊物上。
摘 要:This paper uses data from the 2010 American Time Use Survey which includes five subjective well being questions about three moments in the respondent’s day. This one day recall data in conjunction with a full time diary has been shown to be very similar to immediate responses about emotions. We use the emotions data to specifically explore the question if women “like” doing child caregiving more than men as some other studies have claimed. More generally, we compare the subjective well being of men and women’s daily lives and find some strong continuities between men and women and some important differences. The title comes from a popular children’s song.
时 间:2013年3月19日星期二16:00-17:30
地 点:学术会堂608