报告主题:Choosing Global Markets
报告人:殷晓鹏副教授,加拿大McGill University经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院国际贸易系主任,兼任“华盛顿大学—对外经济贸易大学国际经济学研究中心”常务副主任,国际经济与金融学会中国分会(IEF China)执行秘书兼财务主任,担任多家国内外著名学术期刊的特邀评审。其学术论文发表在Canadian Journal of Economics, Review of International Economics, Review of Development Economics等著名国际学术期刊。
时 间:12月12日周三下午15:45-17:15
地 点:中财大厦国际经济与贸易学院1032会议室
摘 要:After Melitz and others (Melitz, 2003; Helpman, Melitz, and Yeaple,2004) reveal the role of productivity in firms’ strategic choice of sales and distribution in global markets, Lu, Lu, and Tao (2010) (i.e. LLT, hereafter) provides other evidence for foreign affiliates of multinational corporations (i.e. MNCs) made on global marketing that are greatly different from domestic firms and could conflict with those Melitz and others mentioned, with the different model. This paper expects to adopt original Melitz’s 2×2×1 model (Melitz, 2003) to provide an alternative explanation for such counterfactual question, and provide some more general choices for MNCs’ exporting strategy. We find the best strategy of global marketing for MNCs in order, which is different from LLT (2010) but the extension from Melitz to explain same phenomenon. That is, they will choose to (1) produce globally (domestically and in foreign country, i.e. FDI) and sell for local market only, (2) produce globally and sell at oversea only, (3) produce domestically and export to oversea, and (4) produce and sell domestically, in order. This result, firstly, finds there is not any constraint, such as financial constraint and/or production capacity’s constraint, affecting such exporting behaviors. Secondly, it shows there exists a kind of strategy of “market switching” in their exporting strategies, and it will be followed by the strategy of “market expanding” people intuitively expect. Such result will be robust with data from China and other related countries. Furthermore, we show the counterfactual evidence shown by LLT (2010) is only a part of complete picture of reality incurred in China.
关键词:Global markets, Strategic choice, Multinational Corporations, Productivity, Foreign Affiliates, Constraints