主 题:Immiserizing Growth: Some Evidence (from China with Hope for Love)
主讲人:张晓波,国际食物政策研究所高级研究员,北大国家发展研究院经济学教授,《中国经济评论》共同主编,浙江大学光彪访问教授。其研究方向包括发展经济学,农业经济学和中国经济,其成果发表在Journal of Political Economy,Journal of Development Economics,和Journal of Comparative Economics等学术刊物上。
摘 要:Immiserizing growth – growth that comes with a lower level of welfare – is usually dismissed as a theoretical curiosity for a market economy with no practical relevance. We argue that a non-trivial portion of the Chinese high growth rates in recent years may be a case of immiserizing growth. In particular, a rise in the sex ratio imbalance may have simultaneously generated utility loss and additional economic growth that is not sufficient to offset the utility loss. We estimate that as much as 20% of the Chinese growth may be in that category.
时 间:2012年11月30日星期五16:00-17:30
地 点:学术会堂608