一、报告题目:On a Sparre Andersen risk model perturbed by a spectrally
negative Levy process(受谱负Levy过程干扰的Sparre Andersen风险过程)
二、报告人: 张志民 博士 (重庆大学,香港大学统计精算系访问学者)
In this paper, we consider a Sparre Andersen risk model perturbed by a spectrally negative Levy process. Assuming that the the interclaim times follow a Coxian distribution, we show that the Laplace transforms for the Gerber-Shiu functions can be obtained by employing the roots of a
generalized Lundberg equation. When the spectrally negative Levy process is a combination of a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process with exponential jumps, explicit expressions and asymptotic formulas for the Gerber-Shiu functions are obtained for exponential claims and heavy-tailed claims, respectively.