论文题目:Understanding the housing market: the investment aspect
论文摘要:The macro-housing literature generally finds the U.S. housing cycles, particularly the housing boom and bust around the Great Recession, are too volatile to be reconcilable by changes in fundamental as well as financial factors with rational expectation models. The few papers that do provide mechanisms that could generate large price movements bear little data support from both the cross-section of households and aggregate timing of events. This paper proposes a new mechanism that highlights the role played by household portfolio decision to allocate their wealth to second homes for investment purposes in generating housing demand, and therefore housing price, fluctuations. The result of this paper shows that this component of housing demand can amplify housing price response to changes in financial factors such as interest rates, loan to value ratio, as well as mortgage premium. The model is able to quantitatively explain the swings in housing price in the 2000s, and at the same time match salient features in both household and aggregate data.